Friday, March 11, 2011

Size Does Matter

If you’re thinking that I’ve ventured to a rather taboo topic … stop … take your mind out of the gutter, catch your breath and scroll down to the bottom of this post; you will see it is labelled “Technology”.

I was recently reading about the soon to be released Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, which replaces the fairly popular 7” Galaxy Tab, considered to be one of the best tablets available.  It was revealed quite early that the Galaxy Tab 2 would be a 10.1” tablet, but that other sizes would be released as well.  There have been lots of rumours of a 7” version of the Galaxy Tab 2, and I have been quite interested to see how Samsung improve the Galaxy Tab in the 7” Galaxy Tab 2.  Then a while ago, a Samsung representative told Pocket-Lint that the Galaxy Tab 2 will not be 7” version, saying “Tablets should be bigger than 7-inch”. I believe that the representative and Samsung are missing the point. The thing that made the original Galaxy Tab a great tablet was the fact that it was a 7” tablet.  Mobility is a good selling point, and by going for a larger tablet means one loses the mobility.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Is PC Gaming Destined to Die?

I have a keen interest in games … the fact that my blog is named after my gamertag should attest to this. It started with Chess and Pac-man on the Vic 20, my first computer, about 25 years ago.  In case you’re wondering, the “20” refers to the total memory, 20KB, which the Vic 20 had. This was followed by a whole plethora of games that I played on my Commodore 64 … yes, you guessed right; it had 64KB of memory. It was quite ground-breaking at the time.  Commodore 64 was followed by various early PCs, like the 286, 486 and so on … but I suppose I’m deviating from the topic.  My point is that I’ve been gaming for about 25 years now … so while my views might appear to be somewhat opinionated, I’d like to think that my experience counts for something.

Back at the Grindstone

Just got back from a couple of days leave, spent on the West Coast ... and now I'm back at the grindstone. I will be posting an article about the West Coast when I get a chance, but I thought to write a quick side note to tell you that I'm back again, in case you were wondering about my absence ... and to assure you that there will be a new post shortly.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Movie Genres 101

It’s a Saturday night (ok, actually it’s Wednesday, but that’s not the point) … you want to go to watch a movie, but there are so many choices, and spending the whole evening looking at the posters, deliberating in your mind is not an option. So I’ve decided to give a brief “introduction” to movie genres … maybe this will point you in the right direction, or maybe it will just remind you that I don’t know what I’m talking about.  This is a very brief introduction to movie genres, so don’t expect any in-depth analysis or discussion.

In case you are wondering what movie genres are … a movie genre is merely a means of categorizing the story and portrayal of the movie. As the years have passed, movie companies have realized that a lot of movies do not fall into a single genre, but instead more than one … the result is many movies now-a-days can be classified with double-barrel or even triple-barrel genres.  Anyway … here goes my rudimentary explanation of movie genres.

Why can’t we just live in harmony?

While it might sound like I’m going to rant about world peace, there is another kind of harmony that I am writing about … harmony in technology.  I suppose I need to elaborate a bit more, so you too can understand the dilemma. We all have embraced the information technology age to a lesser or greater extent … in fact, it now even has invaded our social lives.  While this is all a good thing, the problem is that our social lives have become fragmented.

In order to explain the issue, I can illustrate with the following … I have 3 friends on Windows Live Messenger (MSN), 2 friends on Google Talk, 1 friend on AIM, a couple of friends on Skype … and then quite a few friends on Facebook. I also had 2 friends on ICQ, but they switched to other systems. The issue is this … in order to chat with all my friends, I need to have Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk, AIM, and Skype installed and running on my computer, and I need to have Facebook open in a browser … well, at least if I want to chat with my friends.